Sunday 16 September 2012

A rather good few days at  crafty hq as if today it has been four weeks since the moo has worn nappys during the day super proud mummy moment

She has also been responding excellent to the home schooling that the school recommend

We have also started wallpapering the living room with my gorgeous laura ashley wallpaper

In other news we are contemplating a new member to crafty hq  but are still unsure between a few more fish or. Tortoise

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I have been having a rough time with my wisdom tooth coming through so have been sleeping as much as I can when the pills are working and also been helping my nan as she has had a few relapses with her ms
She has had a rough time lately with a rodent problem which we hve been informed that the coucil no longer deaL with as it is not there responsibility anymore we have been speaking to a local reporter as our local council have recently won an award for there enviormental health  they have now gone but I think that people should know that they are expected to cope with the problem themselves

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